A Rare Chance to Work with Rosanne Cash & David Baum

Would you like more inspiration and delight?

Are you looking for an opportunity to laugh loudly and long – a chance to play while getting in touch with who you really are or want to become? Are you overwhelmed by challenges and demands, needing some relief from the routine in your life? Are you going through big changes in your life or looking to make big changes? If your answer is “yes” to any of the above, then Standing in the Spirit, Living Out Loud is for you. 

Grammy-award-winning artist Rosanne Cash and coach, facilitator, and and author David Baum invite you to join them for an intimate, extraordinary weekend to explore the choices we make, the character we bring and the practices we need to deepen the quality of our lives. Our hopes, needs and desires are the insistent knock, and when the door opens from within showing support and guidance, everything changes. As the poet Rumi said, “You must ask for what you truly want…the door is round and open…don’t go back to sleep.”

This program is for you if you’re looking for…

  • Clarity and alignment inside and out.

  • Wonder and awe.

  • Reconnection with spirit and your best living out loud self.

  • A lot of fun and laughter.

Workshop Details

This special workshop is based on the landmark work of Angeles Arrien, The Four Fold Way, and will take place at Cranberry Meadow Farm in Peterborough, New Hampshire, on May 10-12, 2024. To provide an intimate experience, the group size will be capped at 20 max. The investment for Standing in the Spirit, Living Out Loud is $950 USD per person, which includes the workshop, plus two lunches and dinners at the inn.

Read more about the program, the facilitators, and location here. Space is limited, so reserve your spot now by emailing David directly at david@davidbaum.com


Seeking the Extraordinary